[chromium-html5] In short, I am looking for the answers to following questions:
Hossain Rony
2018-04-20 18:04:40 UTC
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I have just started exploring chromium project. As I don't have any prior
knowledge in web engine field, it feels like I am in abysmal. Can anyone
give me a brief on this?

navigator.vibrate([1000, 1000, 2000, 2000, 1000]);

For example, If I have a web application consist of HTML5 vibration API,

1. How will it be handled sequentially by different modules of chromium?
2. Which module parses(is it V8?) and interprets the javascript or HTML5
code of the web app?
3. After parsing, which module performs the vibration task?
4. How the required privilege of a web application to vibrate the device
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